Thursday, January 22, 2015

13 days old.

Tomorrow is 2 weeks.  Time has been flying by and the puppies are growing so fast.  Today I noticed that most have their eyes open.  So soon they will be hearing.  We will start playing some music for them and a CD of common noises to acclimate them to the real world.  We start the sounds soft and over the next few weeks increase the volume.

Some photos from today for you to enjoy.  Doesn't the Orange boy look happy?

Friday, January 16, 2015

One Week Old

The Girls at one week old. Collar colors are Red, Burgundy, Pink, Yellow, White and Purple. Purple is semi-covered up by White.
The boys at one week old. Collar colors are Black, Blue, Brown, Orange, Green, Tan. One boy has no collar (the pack came with 12 colors so someone had to go nude.)
Blue was camera shy in all the photos that I took.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Aurora's Puppies

Well Aurora has done it again.  13 puppies were born on January 9th.  7 boys and 6 girls.  Lots of great patches.