Monday, January 27, 2014

I'm getting so excited.

Just got back from the vet's office. More good news - this ultrasound revealed 6 or 7 strong heartbeats. There could be more hiding under Heidi's ribs where the ultrasound can't reach.   So after leaving the vet I headed right to the feed store to get puppy food so Heidi can get more protein for the last 4 weeks. I'm getting so excited.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Heidi at 5 weeks

Heidi at 5 waist left and a nice pot belly. 4 weeks to go.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Feeding Momma and Satin Balls

Over the past week Heidi has been demanding more and more food and water.  At first I thought she needed to go out to pee when she was waking me before 5 AM (not good.)  But when I added a late night snack/meal she started sleeping later.  As of two days ago she is getting two extra meals a day - lunch & the late night snack.  Her extra meals are better than 1/2 cup of kibble plus a Satin Ball.  Breakfast and dinner are approximately 1 1/2 cups each plus she get a Nu-Vet Plus tablet with her dinner.  So all together she is eating 4 cups a day plus 2 Satin Balls. 

What is a Satin Ball?  Often used to add weight to very thin show dogs this mixture is also a great additive for pregnant bitches.  Below is the recipe.

10 pounds ground beef
10 ounces uncooked oatmeal
6 raw egg yolks
10 ounces wheat germ
10 ounces molasses

Combine all ingredients and mix well.

Roll into two-inch balls and freeze.

I cut this down to 1/3 of the recipe as it is so much easier to handle, but then you have to make them more frequently.

Friday, January 17, 2014

WOO HOO !!! Great Puppy News

On Monday Jan 13th the vet gave us great news.  Heidi is definitely pregnant.  WOO HOO!!!

Our vet, using an ultrasound, was able to identify 5 or 6 fetal heartbeats.  She is very conservative and doesn't try to search out every fetus so as not to disturb them.  I'm just thrilled to know that she quickly found 5 or 6 to confirm the pregnancy.

Meanwhile on the home front...Heidi is definitely driving me crazy.  She demands, quite vocally, to go outside frequently.  I understand that, but 2 or 3 times an hour at some times of the day means I am constantly interrupted from any project I'm trying to accomplish.  I'm seriously considering installing the doggy door in the slider to allow her access to the outside run.

I'm allowing her to sleep with me so she has all the space she needs, but she is waking me at 5 AM.  Since we have 5 weeks to go (and some serious growth of the puppies in her) I am thinking that she will be making that wake up call even earlier in the early morning.  She may be moving into the puppy room very early to have access to the doggy door.

Next ultrasound is scheduled for Monday Jan 27th.